Friday 25 October 2013

Studio Brief 3: Removing serifs and thinning letters

(red is the original font)

I've experimented with slimming the letters down, as although I like the boldness of Cooper Black, I feel its too extreme. Matt's personality is full of characteristics but his personality isn't in-your-face, so I don't want to start with an extreme block font. Block fonts are very loud and Matt isn't.
I don't want to make the change in width too drastic, just a few millimetres, I think that taking too much away from the original font will make my choice of Cooper Black seem pointless.

(red is the original font)

While working with the font Cooper Black, I've decided that I want to try removing the serifs from the letters, as the connotations of serifs are:
  • traditional
  • old-fashioned
  • roman
  • elegant
  • formal
I feel like none of these connotations fit particularly hand in hand with Matthew's personality. Even though the font overall is quite modern and informal, I still would like to remove them as it also gives more of a clean slate when manipulating the letters.
I will definitely not include serifs in my final alphabet.

(red is the original font)
Another experimentation I created was to soften the edges of the letters slightly. This is for more reasons than one:
  • Matthew told me that in terms of shapes, he prefers curves and smooth edges.
  • His personality is not harsh and doesn't have the connotations of sharpness.
  • it increases the reflection of fun.

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