Wednesday 2 October 2013

Taking care of your valuables: HOW TO LOSE YOUR SHIT - Crime statistics research

Below is research I collected to help with our brief. These statistics could be used in our project to portray the dangers of being a student and having valuables.
September 2012 
All crime - 1453 
Anti-social behaviour - 390
Burglary - 49 
Criminal damage and arson - 60
Drugs - 30
Shoplifting - 138
Robbery - 13
Other theft - 488
Violent crime - 147 
August 2013
All crime - 1526
Robbery - 11 
Burglary - 64
"Crime rates in Leeds are still one of the highest in West Yorkshire, perhaps due to the sheer size of the city and student areas acting as a hot bed for burglaries and drug abuse.
In 2011 Leeds was found to be the city with the third highest burglary rates in the UK.
Winter sees an uprise in burglaries.
Last November break-ins occurred in Hyde Park and Woodhouse area via tiny basement windows."
  • 1 in 3 students are a victim of crime.
  • 20% of student robberies happen in the first 6 weeks.
  • Outside of the capital, Manchester Metropolitan, Manchester, and Leeds have the highest crime rates in the 3 mile radius of the campuses.
  • Leeds Uni and Leeds Met have the highest rates of burglary.
  • Chestnut Avenue, Hyde Park - was once dubbed Britain's most burgled street, but has recently improved.
  • Burglary, robbery and assault - 3 most common student crimes

Top 5 most commonly lost items1. keys
2. USB drive
3. phone
4. sunglasses
5. gloves

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