Tuesday 15 October 2013

Studio Brief 1: ALPHABET SOUP - further development - A & Z

  • I previously created the letter 'W' with the idea of a hierarchy - I did this by splitting it into four parts. After the crit I decided to use this idea with an 'A' instead, as hierarchies are generally shown in triangles.

  • However I have now broadened my research in the idea of hierarchies and found that the hierarchy of social class is based around nobility and how the nobility is part of the upper class and always has been. The social class is primarily split into three parts - The lower class, middle class and upper class. So I have changed the four part 'A' into a letter with 3 parts instead.

  • I want to reflect the crisp perfectness of the upper class and the trodden on, scruffiness of the lower class - how they are percieved in society.
  • I've carefully drawn the top half of the Z with a quick sketch of the bottom half to represent this.
  • I want to fill in the stop half of the Z to show the completion of it and how it is all in place like the upper class.

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