Friday 25 October 2013

Studio Brief 3: Interim Crit

For today's crit we displayed our work on the desks and walked around looking at eachother's work. From this we wrote down our feedback on an A3 piece of paper next to the work.
Below is my A2 sheet which I put together especially for the crit.

Some feedback that is especially useful to me:
  • 2 people said they prefer cooper black, however 4 people said they prefer gill sans. This is interesting because I prefer cooper black as a starting point, which is the unpopular opinion.
  • Look at Arial Rounded or Helvetica Rounded, as Matthew seems to like comfort and soft shapes.
  • Don't focus too much on what he prefers, ('smooth edges') as this is my representation of him.
  • Comfort zone > sans serif > the font doesn't get out of its comfort zone, should look tight like its very boxed in.
  • Gills sans works better at communicating his personality. Seems a very black and white personality, what you see is what you get, the sharp tones support this.
  • Matt is funny, so pick a playful looking font, however make sure it is not childish.
  • Could play on 'Pub landlord' and his surname 'Brewer', he also drinks a lot of alcohol.
  • He has childlike tendencies yet doesn't like children, look into this more so as these are opposing ideas.
  • Cooper Black seems like quite a loud/bold font to me - which doesn't link in with not being a 'loud, in your face person'.
  • Cooper Black seems like a warm typeface and says he likes winter. Maybe think about using a more angular typeface?

I don't necessarily agree with all of this feedback but I think they are important points that I can look into and work from when I further my development and experimentation.

 General points we picked up on as a group:

  • Hard to give some people feedback because of poor layout or unclear presentation. This is fair as we aren't used to crits just yet; we're still learning how to present our work in the right way.
  • I've learnt that the best way to present my work in a crit is on an A2 piece of paper, where I can stick down sketches and research all together on one page. This makes it much more straightforward when someone comes to leaving feedback. Some people put out their sketchbooks  and random piece of paper which is quite confusing, as I didn't know which page the project started on and where it ended, and which work was the most important to look at in more detail.
  • Some of us had too little work or too much, which can both make a crit difficult. Having too much work shows the exploration has been very broad so it gives less to focus on when giving feedback in such a short space of time, and having too little work doesn't show enough development.
  • It was good to see that people are researching further afield, for example looking at their partner's favourite designers or design movements. Other areas are colour theory and analysing handwriting. I haven't thought about looking at these things yet in my own work, but I definitely want to.

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