Friday 4 October 2013

Taking care of your valuables: HOW TO LOSE YOUR SHIT - Group crit

We joined with another group to have a group crit. We talked about how our brief is developing and explained our reasons for using certain features.

  • We were told that the use of 'shit' is really effective for a student market, but it is overused in the booklet. Reading it too often is an overkill and I think it normalises it so it loses some of its taboo. 
  • We talked about why we have picked a traditionally brown envelope and the context they are usually used in: formal letters in schools and places of work.

Envelope idea

  • Some other feedback was that we could use the little keyhole symbol as the "i" in shit, or the full stop in an exclamation mark at the end of "shit". However, we have already tried the "i" and it doesn't work.

Envelope idea
  • The other group preferred the above envelope as it is more clear, bold and more eye-catching. It's also very large text.
  • We noted the pointers and criticism down and will try to improve our work from it.

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