Tuesday 29 October 2013

Studio Brief 3: Further development

 In the interim crit I was told by a few people that Cooper Black wasn't the best option for Matthew, but I am going to carry on developing and experimenting with it as I personally think it is suitable. I also think that my manipulations will justify it in the end.

 I have experimented with the letter 't', as the original design of it in Cooper Black is quite unusual.
I want to elongate the ascenders in the whole alphabet, as I think the font in its original length is too short and Matthew is quite tall and slim. This seems like a very irrelevant reason to use, but fonts have sub-conscious effects on the brain, and for me having a taller typeface is more relevant.
Out of these experiments I prefer the second, as it keeps some of Cooper Black's style. However, a slimmer version of this letter may end up in the crossbar and stem joining look incorrect.

To reflect Matthew's comfort zone, I want to look into decreasing the size of the empty space in letters in the bowls, eyes and counters. Here I've experimented with an extreme shrinking of the eye, which I won't take forward.

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