Saturday 12 October 2013

Studio Brief 1: ALPHABET SOUP - Interim Crit

Interim Crit

Today we had a crit in groups of 12. We each took our turns to present what we had come up with so far and what our word/font was. I found this session very helpful as its always a good idea to have an outsider examine your work so that you have a brand new perspective. Below are some suggestions I got given.
  • Use the letter 'A' for hierarchy instead of 'W', as it goes from small to big like the triangle of the hierarchy as demonstrated below. I was also told that the triangle of hierarchy is normally split into three parts, however I found with some research into different hierarchies that they can differ greatly. The triangle I found shows the different classes and their positions in society because of their privilege.
  • Some other feedback I got was that the noble people of high class would use unordinary processes, and lower classes would use very average processes. This applies to everyday life with different levels of privilege.
  • So if I was to reflect this in my lettering, I could use mediums that are not ordinary and average. For example, gold foil or embossing. If not, then I could use gold or silver colouring in my designs very easily.
  • I could use different processes in my work, to reflect different classes so that nobility is made clearer.
  • Crests are a big part of royalty, which I could do some research into.

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