Saturday 19 October 2013

Studio Brief 1: ALPHABET: - Final Nobility letters

These are my 10 chosen letters that represent the word 'nobility', which are manipulated from the font Garamond in bold.
I chose to explore the meaning of the nobility in the sense of 'the quality of belonging to the aristocracy'. The aristocracy is a small group of people that are considered the highest social class in a society. They have a great amount of privilege and power. The royal family are in this class, so I have looked into royalty aswell as money and power.

A - it is split into 3 sections to show the hierarchy of class in our society, and the colour blue has been used to reflect the 'blue blood' that in the royal family. I chose this letter because it is in the shape of a triangle which is often used to display hierarchies.

J - For this letter I have turned the tail of the 'J' into a drop of blue blood, to simply refer to royalty again.

N - I incorporated a sword into the crossbar for this letter, as the connotations of nobility are knights (in my group, somebody said that) and armour and medieval-ness. Nobility also makes me think of patriotism, which is linked to soldiers and defense of the royal family.

O - I've found that with nobility and the upper ruling class, the traditional crests are a deep connotation. I have incorporated the design that is found quite commonly in old styled crests into half of the letter.

P - Power is hugely related to nobility and the ruling class. The royal family have such incredible power over the country so I decided to represent this by drawing strong lines off the letter P in gold. I kept it subtle with thin outlines.

Q - I incorporated the queen's profile into the letter's bowl as if it is a coin. It represents money and the power that comes with it, and the royal family having such power. I outlined it with silver to subtly represent a coin.

R - I added a four-pointed star to the counter of the R, to represent glistening or shimmering jewels. This is linked to the royal jewels which represents wealth and the upper class very clearly.

T - I created the stem of the T from a pile of coins to again represent wealth of the upper class and the nobility's power with it.

Y - I created the edge of the left stem with pearls, which are iconic within the royal family and the female members over the years. I added a hint of gold to each pearl to give it a slightly fancy touch.

Z - For my final letter, I chose Z because I could show the clear difference between the rich and poor within our society as the letter is mirrored from top to bottom but pointing opposite ways. The top of the letter is the upper ruling class, which I have filled in with solid black and outlined in silver to represent the sturdiness and strength that they have as a class. The bottom of the letter has been quickly drawn in a rough manner to show the unsafe and weak nature of the lower classes in comparison.

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