Friday 25 October 2013

Studio Brief 4: Women in terrorism

The 'Black Widows'
An example of where females are used prevalently in terrorist attacks are the "Black Widows" within Chechnya. The Black Widows are female suicide bombers generally of Chechen origin, who have lost husbands (though sometimes also sons and brothers) in the Chechen secession wars against Russia.
Some attacks have been carried by group calling itself the "Black Widows Brigade". 
The 'Mother of Believers'
One of the more controversial cases of the utilisation of women as terrorists was a previous tactic used by Ansar al Sunnah in Iraq. Known as the "Mother of Believers", Samira Jassim admitted to recruiting, indoctrinating and training women to carry out suicide attacks for the organisation, particularly in the Baghdad and Diyala provinces.
On her arrest, Jassim said she had recruited 80 female suicide bombers, 28 of whom went on to carry out attacks. She also admitted to taking advantage of these women and had some of them raped to shame them into conducting the suicide attacks. After the rape, Jassim told the women that the only way they could escape this shameful act was to act as a suicide bomber.
Though this type of manipulation of females is incredibly rare and not generally used by terrorist organisations and insurgencies, in this case it was used as a means to carry out an attack while avoiding detection.
 Why do women commit acts of terror?
If the terrorist organisation or insurgency's membership is depleted, women are often recruited into the movement to not only build up numbers, but also to fill tactical gaps. Women are often considered capable in achieving "surprise attacks", because they are least expected.
Particularly in relation to attacks on "soft targets", such as public gatherings, markets and ceremonies, women are often considered to be able to blend into the crowd and subsequently are able to avoid detection. However in some movements, such as the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (the FARC), women are considered the military and are put on the frontline.
Why women choose to become terrorists depends on the individual, the organisation, and the political goal or aim of the group. In the case of some females – such as the Black Widows – it is to avenge the loss of a loved one such as a husband, brother, son or cousin. Sometimes the act of terrorism is also conducted to redeem the family name.
In this respect, women can become involved in terrorism for personal, rather than ideological, reasons. However, in the case of some movements like the FARC, female involvement is seen as a means of evening out patriarchy, and giving women a sense of empowerment, participation and accomplishment.
It is not surprising that significant attention has been given to the alleged involvement of the "White Widow", because the idea of a female terrorist is unexpected and quite confronting for some. However, it is also highly unlikely this will be the last time a female terrorist is propelled onto the scene.

I find this article about female terrorists really interesting, as its something that has never crossed my mind before; I always associate men with terrorism and huge acts of violence. This is what makes this story so unusual and provocative. I'm not sure if I should take this line of research further however, as I am unaware as to what I could research next and if I could put together a sufficient body of information.

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