Tuesday 15 October 2013

OUGD404 - Design Principles: Font task

Today we were introduced to a new module, 'Design Principles'. We were set a task to choose 3 fonts  with distinctly different characteristics from one another and print them to fit into 10cm x 10cm squares as individual letters. The chosen letters have to be A B C X Y Z and a b c x y z  for all three fonts.

The fonts I have chosen are:
Bauhaus 93
Colonna MT
Edwardian Script ITC
I chose these three fonts as I think they really differ from one another. The first, Bauhaus 93, derives from the Bauhaus movement in the 1980's which was very influential in the design world. The letters are thick and curvy. It has a particularly retro feel to it.
Colonna MT is pretty looking, modern and easy on the eyes as the white space within the lettering adds it's own personality.
Edwardian Script ITC is amazingly elegant and traditional, and it would be used for a completely different target audience than the other two fonts, for example wedding invitations or something very formal.

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