Wednesday 2 October 2013

Taking care of your valuables: HOW TO LOSE YOUR SHIT - Envelope ideas

Alex made some simple prototypes of how the envelope including the information could look. We want to use simple and bold font to get the point across loud and clear. I also think that minimalism is such an important tool in graphic design.

Front of envelope idea 1

Back of envelope idea 1

Front of envelope idea 2 (back is blank)

Front of envelope idea 3

Back of envelope idea 3

I think these ideas are really effective. The fonts used are Langdon and Bebas Neue, which are bold and clear. Langdon has a really nice shadowing effect which makes more of an impact on the page.  Back of envelope idea 3 doesn't work that well as its portrait and the front is landscape, they don't match up.
I think Back of envelope idea 1 is really nice, but would look better bigger. The front of envelope idea 2 is everybody's favourite that we will be developing and moving forward with.

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