Friday 18 October 2013

Studio Brief 1: ALPHABET - Final Crit

We had a final crit where we had to talk about our work and receive feedback. Here is mine:

  • Most people agreed that the 'A' would be the easiest to develop a whole alphabet from as you can always cut a letter into three parts. I'm not sure how whether to choose this letter as I feel it's a bit too straightforward and simple, and without colour there is a chance that it doesn't have the same effect.
  • I said that 'J' would be my ideal letter to develop on illustrator, but the blue drop of blood would apparently not work the same in black and white.
  • The 'Q' is my favourite, and the feedback I got on it was that it is creative but wouldn't work when making an alphabet.
  • the 'O' looks like a C because of the curling banner at the bottom.
  • However, it is very clear as to what it is representing.
  • If the letter 'O' was to be developed into an alphabet, then the crest feature would have to be more subtly used.

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