Saturday 19 October 2013

Studio Brief 2: Illustrator

For Brief 2 I have to choose a letter from the set of 10 letterforms I created based on the word 'nobility', which were manipulated from Garamond Bold.

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I thought about choosing the 'J':

But I was told in the crit that it wouldn't have the same impact when just in black and white; I won't be able to use the blue, which is a huge part of what the letter is standing for (blue blood).
I was also told in the crit that the letter 'A' that I manipulated would work better as a whole alphabet, as it is very clean cut:

It could also be applied to every letter of the alphabet with no restrictions, whereas the droplet in the 'J' may prove to be difficult when designing the other letterforms. I also am restricted with time for this brief so a straightforward solution would help.

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