Wednesday 30 October 2013

Studio Brief 3: Further development

I'm set on portraying Matthew's comfort zone and pessimistic attitude in the alphabet, but without making the whole of the letterforms revolve around it.

I've experimented with varying the sharpness and softness of the corners of the stems on the letter 'm'. This shows Matt's fun side paired with his pessimism, as the harsh edges make me think of this. I don't think I want to use these ideas but this has led on to more ideas of how I can portray these chracteristics.

As a lead on from the last experimentations, I am trying out small boxes on parts of the letters. This is reflecting Matthew's comfort zone and pessimism, which contrasts with his ability to find humour in many aspects of life.
I have picked the letter 's' as a starting point because its a very rounded letter so making the sharp corners work with the curves may be a challenge. 
I think that keeping the boxes in the corners of the letter like the 's' on the far right is the best way to go, as it contrasts again the large curves and gives the impression of a box or cage around the whole letter. I'm not sure what size to draw them yet, but I don't want the boxes to take over the whole letter, nor do I want them to look unclear and too small.

Above is experimentation with the layout of the small boxes. I think its important to try out a variation of letters which all have different anatomies, so I can figure out if my manipulations will work through the whole alphabet. 
I definitely want only two boxes on each letter and for them to be diagonal from each other. 


I've decided that I want the boxes to be in this orientation as I've found with some letters it works better around the anatomy.

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