Saturday 21 December 2013

Type Hierarchies: Well designed webpage

For my 'well designed' webpage I've chosen Typography Deconstructed. I think it's really simplistic and aesthetically pleasing, while being easy to navigate.


I deconstructed the type to make a hierarchy as seen above. Obviously the website name caught my eye first, as it is bold and larger than any of the other pieces of text. My eyes then travelled to the slogan placed underneath it, even though the type is very small in comparison. My eyes then travelled to the large block of blue with text in it in the middle of the page to the right, because of the contrast against the white background to most of the page. From there my eyes travelled all over the page depending on the boldness of positioning of text. The 'search' bar definitely caught my eyes last.

Typefaces and fonts:

  • The website name is in a typeface very similar to Vekta Serif Bold.
  • The body font is helvetica
  • Georgia is used for headings
Type and image:
There is one image used on the homepage, places in the middle to the left of some text. It is not overbearing and isn't distracting from the text on the page. It also follows the same colour scheme.

Editorial content and commercial content:
There is no commercial content on this page, it is all editorial content which makes the type all work together very well.

Hierarchy of information and hierarchy of type:
the information that is at the top of the type hierarchy is about posters that the website is selling, showing that is what they want the viewer to see first.

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