Saturday 21 December 2013

Type Hierarchies: Sophisticated/well designed magazine

Sophisticated magazine: Red - "aimed at real women who lead busy but glamorous lives."

I displayed the hierarchy of the type on this page of Red above. The size is a clear theme in the hierarchy, and capitals. The red text was more eye catching than the plain black. I found the images quite distracting from the type.

This is the general direction my eyes moved around the page, I went from the logo and header to the smaller information then back up to the top again in a clockwise motion.

Fonts and typefaces:

  • Only 3 or 4 typefaces were used
  • Century regular and italic
  • A sans serif typeface that I couldn't identify
Type and image:
There are a few images used but they aren't overbearing, and they don't take over the type.

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