Saturday 21 December 2013

Type Hierarchies: Commercial webpage

I chose to look at Amazon which is a commercial webpage, as it is a buying and selling website.

I found that there are many colours on this website compared with the last two I have looked at, and there is more image aswell.  The amount of simple information that is trying to be shown on this page is high.
Below is a sketch of the layout and how my eyes wander around the page when looking at the type and image.

I seem to be drawn to the middle of the page where there are deals and images of items for sale, and coloured type. Then I move on to the squashed together information on the right, then around to the other side. Below is a break down of the type hierarchy as I saw it.

It is clear that the top of the hierarchy is swamped with colourful type, which naturally is more eye catching. Also, boldness and size is a large factor.

Fonts and typefaces:

  • Arial is used for the smaller text, that isn't trying to catch the viewer's attention straight away
  • Century is used for one large header
  • a few other sans serif fonts are used for different items
Type and image:
There is almost an equal amount of type and image on this page, which isn't suprising because it is commercial. The images back up the text.

Editorial content and commercial content:
It is all commercial content on Amazon.

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