Thursday 5 December 2013

Studio Brief 1: Backing paper in the frame using photoshop

I have taken a photograph of a photo frame I own. It is simple and has a young style about it, so I think it's appropriate for the style of backing paper I've gone for.

My frame is roughly 8 x 6 inches, so I used my 8x6" design to super impose into it. I used the 'transform' menu to distort the design, which was fairly easy. As you can see, it looks like that is what I've done, when what I want is for it to look as if it really is in the frame.

To capture a natural look, I tweaked the brightness/contrast and hue/saturation in certain areas to affect the lighting, because the design is so bright digitally. I then used the gradient tool to create shadowing around the inside edges of the frame, based on the original image I took. A nearby lamp was coming from the right hand corner of the photo, so I used this to help me choices of shading.
I think that the colours still seem a little off, but this is as close as I could get it without it taking up too much of my time. It gives a clear idea of what it looks like in a frame which is what my aim was.

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