Monday 23 December 2013

Type Hierarchies: Free newspaper

Free newspaper: Waitrose in-store newspaper

This page is neatly laid out and has no over bearing type.

From left to right in rows

The leftover type was indistinguishable in terms of the type hierarchy

Fonts and typefaces:

  • ITC Avant Garde for Headings and large text, sans serif typeface
  • Unidentifiable serif italic font used for bigger bold text
  • serif font used for body text: quite similar to Garamond regular

Type and image: 
Image is used predominantly on the right side of the page and it doesn't interfere with the type. It is neatly laid out so it is separate.

Editorial content and commercial content:
There are surprisingly no adverts on this page considering it is a free newspaper. In this newspaper the adverts have their own pages so the articles aren't interfered with, which is different from the Metro (another free newspaper).

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