Friday 27 December 2013

Type Hierarchies: Tabloid newspaper

Low-end newspaper: The Daily Mirror

the way my eyes moved around the page
I found the imagery more eye catching than the actual article. The advert was also very distracting from the editorial content.

type hierarchy - from left to right

With this page, the type in the advert caught my eye just before the article headline did, because of the huge use of the colour red. From there the bigger the text, the higher up in the hierarchy.

Type and image:
As you can see above, image takes up a very large area of the page. Tabloid newspapers tend to have less detailed text and more images to entertain the reader.

Fonts and types used:

  • Woodblock font used for article headline
  • sans serif font for smaller heading
  • serif font for body text
  • serif font for larger article quote

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