Thursday 9 October 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 02: Study Task 03


Specific requirements of the logo based on what I have learnt about the client...

These are the available colours for the hammock, so the colours I use in the logo should coincide with these designs.

I've researched some pet brands that already exist, and their colour choice. I've found that there is no clear colour that is often associated with pet/cat products. Green, blue and red seem like colours that are popular as they are common colours that don't have negative or gendered connotations. They are bright and enthusiastic.
I might want to challenge this and set my own rules, however I don't think using too bright colours would suit Woozy as I'm trying to aim for sleek and clean modern branding.

Century Gothic seems to be the staple typeface for Woozy (seen above under the hammock colours). This font is playful and modern, but I don't think it is effective in any branding, so I want to get rid of it.
For 'Woozy' I think that the typeface should definitely be sans serif, as a serif font would be too serious and formal for such a product. It should also be hand rendered as this adds a personal and unique touch.

The logo needs to be suitable for the Kickstarter page, but also for the packaging that the hammock bed comes in. It also needs to be flexible for other use, such as emails, videos, adverts and websites.

Client needs
The Woozy needs innovative, stylish and fun branding, as that is what the product is about. Simplicity would also suit as the product is very minimal.

Communication (audience/customer)
The logo needs to communicate pet-friendliness as the product is for cats (although can be suitable for other small animals). Positivity and comfort should also be communicated as pet owners care about the safety of their animals.

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