Sunday 5 October 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 01: Final Design Process leaflet

I have watered down the paint for my final leaflet and used a soft gradient style. Because there is no information on the back, I've painted on to the paper to add colour and my own style.
The text on the white paper is the areas of development that don't fit in to a set order in my process, as I dip in and out of them throughout. The handwritten text supporting each of them explains a little about my take on things.
I think that the leaflet effectively portrays my style of working; hands on, which is signified by the scruffy informal type that I created in the leaflet. I didn't print anything, as I really like hand rendering and the idea of a piece of work that is irreplaceable. As I cannot usually use this method because mass production is out of the picture I thought I would take the opportunity now as the leaflet doesn't have a specific target market; it is my own design process so it is meant for myself.
The paint consists of white, blue and red which I blended together to show my love of paint and arty touches. This proved to be harder than I thought, I don't think I left enough time to experiment with this idea first before using it on my final leaflet. This proves an issue with making one off original work, as it is risky. The paint leaked slightly on to one piece of white paper because it was watered down and not easy to control, which was disappointing.
The paper is a little crinkled in places because of the paint, which I was not expecting to happen. Again, I should have thought of this in advance. However, I don't think a completely perfect leaflet would reflect me or my design process which is all over the place and unorganised.
The processes I have included are quite accurate, especially how research and feedback do not fit in to a certain order or stage as they are essential and used throughout.

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