Thursday 23 October 2014

Responsive // Studio Brief 01: Initial live brief/competition ideas

Penguin non fiction book cover design - Freakonomics by Steven D. Levitt & Stephen J. Dubner
The cover design needs to reflect that this is a fresh, witty and illuminating book which looks at the big – and the not so big – questions of life in an original and entertaining way. It needs to hint at the very broad range of topics the book covers. It needs to convey that the Freakonomics way of seeing the world is at the heart of everything we see and do – these are the subjects that bedevil us daily: from parenting to crime, sport to politics, fat to cheating, fear to traffic jams. This book asks provocative and profound questions about human motivation and contemporary living and reaches some astonishing conclusions. The cover is the ‘way in’ to how people will change the way they see the world.
Penguin fiction book cover design - Oranges Are Not The Only Fruit by Jeanette Winterson

Jeanette Winterson’s writing is vivid, experimental and imaginative and your cover design should reflect this. It should appeal to a contemporary, enquiring and literary readership. This book has been chosen because there are many themes and layers within. Try and reflect this in your design.

1st Prize

  • four weeks in the Penguin Random House Design Studios on a work placement*, working on live briefs.   
  • The work placement will be paid at a rate of £50 a day (subject to any applicable taxation) and the winner will also receive a cash prize of £1,000.
2nd Prize - £500 cash prize.
3rd Prize - £250 cash prize.

Bolivia Biennial poster design
  • Category A Posters on cultural topics and activities.
  • Category B Posters on political and social issues.
  • Category C Posters advertising commercial events, products or services.
  • Category D Unpublished posters on the topic: HAPPINESS CULTURE WITH SOCIAL RESPONSIBILITY.
Categories A, B & C
  • First Prize Medal & diploma
  • Second Prize Medal & diploma
  • Third Prize Medal & diploma
Category D
  • First Prize $us. 4000.- Medal & diploma
  • Second Prize Medal & diploma
  • Third Prize Medal & diploma

D&AD New Blood Awards


YCN - Topdeck Travel

iF Student Design Award

Design a sticker for Booooooom
This is a call to all you artists and illustrators out there to design us a 3″ x 3″ sticker. It can be whatever you want it just needs to have the word “Booooooom” somewhere in it. Make whatever you want, in your own style.
3 winners 
500 stickers of your own design sent to you 
We will also get these stickers made for us and the back print on the stickers will have information about you (your name, website, etc) so when we give them to people we will essentially be handing someone your business card!

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