Wednesday 22 October 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 03: Canons of Page Construction 1

The Golden Ratio is a mathematical proportion that has been studied for centuries. It is used in many aspects of design and is believed to be harmonious and aesthetically pleasing.

In the diagram above I drew the golden ratio diagram that is as so:

Ratio used: 1:1.618

Width divided by 1.618 to get height of rectangle, and so on.
I then created columns from the diagram which can be seen in the photo. I did this by flipping the golden ratio around to make the measurements on the opposite side of the rectangle.
This grid is used often in web design and could be a starting point for our own designs for web.

A neatly thought out layout with ideal proportions
Avoids boring straightforward symmetry and introduces contrasting proportions
Quite unnecessary in modern design
Restricting if small changes are wanting to be made

Van De Graaf Canon grid.

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