Friday 31 October 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 03: Existing art information websites

I've researched into websites that are similar in information to mine, ie movements in fine art. A lot of them are very unappealing aesthetically and look like they have been designed without any real thought.

This websites seems to have a very simple template on it that has the original title on it - 'Kanbanchi'. The menu is not clear and doesn't indicate any sort of intriguing information. None of the website has been changing from the original template and it looks as if it is an example page.
The colours are extremely bland, not reflecting the creativity of the art world in any way.

This webpage is a little more user friendly, as actual images are used for each movement. But it looks as if it was designed decades ago, because of the simplicity and plainliness. It is very ugly and doesn't entice me at all. However it seems to have a lot of information and the menus are right there to follow easily.

This page also has a look of a template, but is an improvement on the last two I've looked at. The image across the top is relevant and makes the aesthetics easier on the eye. The main menu of art movement content takes up the actual homepage where content should be, but this seems to work in terms of navigation. However, when clicking through to one of the options, this menu disappears as it isn't a permanent feature like the menu across the top. This is something that makes the website fall apart. I do like that there are images supporting each art movement, which give them more support and clarity.

This page is awful to use as it is all text and has the standard blue links, which look horrible on webpages. All the information is there and listed, but for a homepage there are too many options and they should be narrowed down into drop down menus, maybe. There is no clear style to the page and obviously someone put it together purely for somewhere to find this information. No graphics have been added to support the content and not even one image is on the homepage.

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