Friday 24 October 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 03: Numiko web design

Two designers from Numiko gave us a talk about how their design studio runs. They said that they like to focus on projects that they care about and that matter. Some of the examples they showed are Make Things Do Stuff & Design Council.
They told us that not every single individual page on a website needs to be designed; a content management system means that the core aspects of a page are designed.

The navigation of this website is really straightforward and easy to use. Bright and youthful colours are used but only in small amounts so that they aren't too overbearing for children.

I made the screen slightly smaller and everything on the page changed size and placing to work with it.

I made the screen even narrower.

This website is very well designed and has been designed for different formats, and for different screen sizes. This makes it a responsive website.
I like how the menu down the side of the screen gets minimal when the screen is smaller, and the simple 3 colour theme works well with the information heavy style of the pages.

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