Tuesday 7 October 2014

OUGD504 // Studio Brief 02: Kickstarter research

For this brief we have to choose a Kickstarter project to rebrand. Some projects I found interesting are these:

Diabetic tracker app

This project has no branding and has a very poor and uninteresting video. This is why I was intrigued by it, as it drastically needs rebranding to gain a good amount of interest and support. However, the idea of the app isn't very appealing now that I've spotted other projects I like.

Vriliac: human powered generator

This invention is something that has a lot of potential in my eyes, but needs a stronger identity. Their personal website is very outdated looking and doesn't reflect something that should be fresh, exciting and good for the planet.

Moku: a wooden paper dispenser

This is one of my favourite inventions I have come across on Kickstarter, and the branding is very simplistic and not so exciting. However, I think that the product speaks for itself enough, so maybe I should pick another to work on.

Art House: pay for your food with your art

An unusual and unique idea, with really awful graphics to support it... except I can't seem to be inspired by this kickstarter much further than how bad the branding is.

'Woozy' seems the most approachable -

This project is to support the making of hammock beds for cats. They attach to radiators and things alike. They also stand upright on the floor.
It's a cute idea and to a cat lover like myself, seems like something that would be super successful. So I want to help it by giving it a substantial identity; all there is on the page is a video explaining the product, and the image below with the name on it.

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