Tuesday 7 January 2014

Studio Brief 3: Layout ideas

  • black background, white text - I think the only problem with using a black background for a spread is that the printers in the studio don't print black well at all and fitting in a session at the digital print resource will be too hard.
  • use curves or circles to represent vinyl/CDs - I want to create conceptual designs in my layouts, while staying subtle, so the idea of using curves or circles seems pretty plausible, however I do like boxes and sharp edges so I don't know how often I would want to use this kind of feature.
  • photo background - this is a feature I've seen used before and I think its really effective and looks great. It creates a visual context for the content.
  • 4 photos on each spread - it is quite known that some people lose interest when there is nothing interesting to look at on a page, so using photographs each time to brighten it up would be a good idea.
  • use vectors of line images of vinyl/CD/tape - I want to possibly use some illustrations based on audio formats, if I have time to draw them, to make the layouts more 

I want to spread out my information across the 5 spreads, rather than have them separated and given a spread each. This is because from looking at other booklets etc this is what normally happens with page layouts. I think that one entire page of 20 statistics would be too much for the reader to take in.
I also want to use less than 100 things, however I may be able to fit them all in in the end. I just don't want to focus on squeezing in lots of information more than my actual designs.

Layout idea 1 
Across the double spread:

  • 3 facts
  • 4 photos
  • 1 statistic

Layout idea 2
Across the double spread:

  • 20 opinions - album covers

Layout idea 3
Across the double spread:

  • One photograph as the background
  • 5 statistics

Layout idea 5
Across the double spread:
  • 4 statistics
  • some sort of line image of earphones, maybe white on a blue block colour
  • 4 photos
  • words from my 20 words

I've thought of the idea of having music notes across all the spreads at the top and bottom, possibly. I'm not confident with this idea yet as I want to try it out on indesign to see how it'd look properly. However I think it would add a nice conceptual touch to it, and a clear theme throughout.
    Text on left in three uneven columns, with a large statistic of fact on the right page taking up all the space. I like this idea of unevenness between the pages, on one side there is small body font and then big typography on the other side. I've seen this in some of my research and it certainly drew me (the viewer) in.

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