Tuesday 21 January 2014

Studio Brief 3: Layout development - spread 3

This was what I put together for the final crit, which was obviously unfinished. The grey boxes show where the photogrpahs will be placed and the placeholder text is to show possible facts or statistics, although I'm not sure now that I even want to use any text at all on these pages.

I've started adding my photographs to the page, I've picked ones that reflect vinyl artwork solely.

I'm trying to make the layout more interesting here, but I'm not sure if it'll work with the text, I may need to add more photos. I have also adjusted the opaqueness of the colouring, which I got told in the crit to do to make it all look more faded. I like this effect and I want to use it through all the spreads.

I got rid of the text, as I don't need it on this page. I like it with just photographs and words from my 20 words. I removed the music note bars from the top and bottom of the spread; I think they look tacky and I've changed my mind. I just made the lines very minimal so add little touches to the spread. They are still slightly reminiscent of sheet music.
The photographs are in a similar layout but I have made them uneven across the two pages to add more of an interesting dimension.

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