Tuesday 21 January 2014

Studio Brief 3: Layout development - spread 5

Above is the layout I created for the crit which includes my 20 opinions from my research. The 20 opinions are the favourite albums of 20 people I asked. It is filled with placeholder text at this point.
The dark circle is to represent a vinyl record,which also fits in with the shape of a CD. The pink side shows a sort of sleeve effect. I like these add ons, as its unique, but it may be a bit overbearing, along with the pink. I don't know yet what text to put on this spread, maybe some information about which albums they are?

I want to develop this spread more. In doing this I have collected each individual album photo again from the internet and saved them as psd files to maintain quality.
Below I have changed "Popular album covers" to "20 Favourite Album Covers"to make the spread mroe precise. I have also experimented with moving the circle shape around the pages.

I like this placing, as it isn't too in your face like it was in the middle of the spreads. It gives the albums room to breathe, and it can give a nice backdrop for the text.

I've put the names of the 20 albums in the corner in white text to contrast with the dark circle/vinyl shape. I've spread out the albums compared to when I first made the layout, as I think they were too cramped before. I like the uneven overlapping on the two pages; it gives an interesting slant to it as a spread.

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