Saturday 18 January 2014

Studio Brief 4: Final crit

This is the one finished design that I showed at the final crit on friday. Because it was such a final crit that we couldn't give proper criticism, I didn't get any feedback except "listen to the albums while you design".
However, this is some criticism I am giving myself on this design, as I am not done with it at all and want to change it quite a lot, along with create the other 2 posters I am unsure of at the moment.
  • the black is too much, it kills the poster as it overrides the white at the top which is the most important part as it holds the key information of what the exhibition is.
  • I tried to create my own style by changing the prism colours, but I don't think it has worked like I thought it would. I want to still use it, but a lot more subtly and maybe in monochrome. 
  • Also, the black area printed out pretty badly on the studio printers (which I will be using again for my finalised designs), the black wasn't solid and it ruined the intensity of it.
  • I want the colours to be a lot more subtle. I chose them for a retro effect, but I don't like them as they are too bold. I'd like to be more minimal.

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