Monday 20 January 2014

Studio Brief 4: Poster further development

This is the development after the final crit.

I wanted to see how it would look without using Cooper Black (which I used for my spreads in the 3rd brief, which I want to be similar to this work).

I then erased the black background from the prism in photoshop, so that I can see how it will look on a white background.

It looks better this way, but The blackness of the triangle needs to be fixed. Here I got rid of the pink rectangle and replaced it with thin pink lines which are inspired by my Ross Gunter research. It breaks up the information in an interesting way, and a lot less harsh. More modern too.

Here I changed the header font back to Cooper Black, as I gives it much more of a personal identity.
I also made the prism grayscale, to make the poster more minimal and to give the information above more attention and the colours used there more focus. I incorporated blue into it, this way it fits my last brief in its style. The colours are also on 80% opaque for a faded effect. (helvetica neue used for smaller text)
I redid the Design Museum logo, as it was pretty pixellated.

This is my second poster, which focuses on a CD cover. I created the shape myself with lines in illustrator. I placed the information on it to reflect how its an album cover a bit more.

I used Cooper Black again for the same reason as the first poster. I added a second line on the side of the CD, to add a bit more dimension. Also, exhibition prices.

I created a drop shadow for the case by using simple thick lines. I also incorporated blue like the last poster. I want to leave the rest white as I want a very minimal effect. It is straight to the point and quite striking.

For the third poster, I created an iPod vector on illustrator, from the circle and rectangle tools. I again made a drop shadow to add depth to it, and to make it less basic looking.

I added the appropraite information, and added the lines I used inthe past posters.

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