Tuesday 21 January 2014

Studio Brief 3: Layout development: spread 1

Above is what I finished for the final crit. I learnt from people that the text in pink isn't very legible and clashes with the photograph. I was also advised to stick to the same colours for text; which I understand, but I want to use both white and black throughout. I like this layout of the text, but I think that I want to make it even more simplistic. I've looked at my research again to help me with this, as one spread I looked at used a photograph over two pages like this.

This is the layout I settled on. I changed the body font to Avenir, which I think has a great retro and informal feel about it. I also took some text off the spread and lined up the text boxes very neatly. Changing the text colour from pink to white had definitely improved it overall and has made it more neat and classy.

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