Tuesday 21 January 2014

Studio Brief 3: Layout development - spread 2

Below is what I created for the final crit.

  • I created this in inDesign, by adding four photographs of my own and some placeholder text (for now). I want this page to hold information about each audio format, using statistics/facts from my research. I have used cooper black through out because I feel it had a retro feel about it, and gives me an instinct feeling of the past. I want to instill a retro feel because a big focus of my research was vinyl and record album covers.
  • I've chosen to use blue and pink because they are common colours I found when looking through vinyl albums. They represent the vividness in old album artwork.
  • I added lines at the bottom to show a reading music bar, which runs through most of the spreads for a clear individual theme to do with music in general.
  • I want to keep all spreads simple and clean looking, as I don't want to overdo with the information and I want a big of the focus to be on photographs.
  • The crit said that the layout of the text with the images on this spread didn't look right, and that the bars at the bottom aren't very flattering.

From this I've decided to change it round...

Here I have made the photographs boxy in shape, which someone in the crit told me to work with in my layout to reflect album covers/etc... I thought this was a great idea to try out and I like it.

The boxes weren't too aesthetically pleasing, so I've narrowed them down to small thin rectangle/lines underneath them to give them a big of a highlight. From here, I'm trying to decide where to place the text so that everything will fit together nicely.

 From looking at my layout research, I have decided to have both pages very similar in their composition; photographs on right, text on left. I'm making the text boxes very square to reflect the box theme throughout which reflects albums.

I felt the pages were too simple so I've added thin outlines to the text boxes and two thin lines at the middle and bottom of the pages to give a finishing touch.

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