Tuesday 5 November 2013

Studio Brief 5: Poster ideas

For my posters I want to reach out to the public and open their eyes to islamophobia and racism in our society, and how it effects minorities. I don't think enough people care about religious discrimination, whereas personally I feel it is hugely problematic to attack whole religions because of a tiny percent of individuals who harm others. I've been aware of other mainstream awareness campaigns but not many for Islam.

3 ideas for the type and image poster
I have used a statistic which is quite dramatic and extreme, I think it is a real eye-opener. The third idea is a very simple illustration of a woman wearing a headscarf, which is a symbol of islam to passers by if they saw her in the street. Women like this get judged every day; it is a hard task to where one and it takes courage. They should be able to wear whatever they want with no ignorant backlash.

3 ideas for the type poster
Here I've played around with the same statistic again, as I'm not sure which poster to use it in. I think it works quite well with no image at all. The two other posters aren't very strong at the moment, as I think they would need images to get peoples attention, whereas numbers and percentages always interest people.

2 ideas for the image poster
Creating posters that are solely image is always a struggle, so I've had to use the symbol of Islam to portray my message. Even when using the symbol, it is still quite difficult... this is something I can develop further. I prefer the first idea as the peace symbol is clear, but I think I will make it sufficiently smaller on the poster if I take this forward.

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