Friday 15 November 2013

Design Skills: End of Module Evaluation

Through this module I have worked on 5 studio briefs. I have found that each brief has been more challenging than the one before, as they have grown in depth and broadened in terms of research.
I've acquired a number of skills that previously I didn't have, such as on Adobe Illustrator where I have learnt how to make basic shapes and manipulations. The workshop gave me confidence to experiment digitally, although I still find the program a challenge to use as its relatively different to software I have used previously. I hope to increase my speed as I progress through the first year, and learn how to use Illustrator with more complexity.
I've learnt a lot about typography in general; I have never work with solely type before so it was all new to me. Briefs such as 1 and 3 gave me great scope to develop my skills with not only drawing letterforms but also contextual development. I feel happy with my outcome of the first brief, but I think I could have experimented a lot more with materials for the final outcome of the 10 letterforms. After the first brief I learnt how to manage my time more effectively, and I grew in confidence when battling my outcomes.
Crits have helped me a lot, and before this course I was not used to them at all so at first I found them a challenge, but I learnt to give others feedback and receiving feedback has been really useful to my progression, especially in brief 5 where I got about 15-20 post-it notes with feedback on. This brief was a challenge and I wish I had left myself more time to develop my ideas as I think that I jumped into it too quickly. I also felt quite unprepared for the presentation crit. However I am quite happy with the outcomes.
Overall I have grown as a designer with the pressure put on me through this module that I am not used to.

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