Thursday 7 November 2013

Studio Brief 5: INTERIM CRIT

I was given plenty of feedback on my poster ideas at the interim crit. I decided to give no explanation or leave any research on the table so that the posters could speak for themselves, and nobody said that they were unclear which is good.

  • I was told that for the image posters it looks sometimes like I'm try to advertise islam, or sell it. Maybe because of the gimmicky illustration of the hand.
  • I was also told that the statistic is 'just a fact' so nobody will listen. I strongly disagree with this statement as it is straight to the point and by being a fact it is hard-hitting. I think it will shock a lot of people.
  • 'pie charts are boring' - reading this feedback made me realise that they are boring. I won't be using that idea.
  • Somebody suggested that the headscarf could spell out 'Respect others' - but I think that idea would be too time consuming for me considering I only have a day or two left to create these digitally. Maybe if I had more time I could experiment with that idea, as I do think it is interesting.
  • I was told I need to work on my layouts, which I haven't properly thought through yet. Layout is very important on posters like this.

I left everyone else feedback, such as which kind of colours to go for and I let many people know that their messages weren't as clear as they should be. I think that looking and criticising other people's work helps my work progress as it opens my mind to new ideas and viewpoints. It was also interesting to see the range of viewpoints and ideas everybody has taken forward.

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