Tuesday 5 November 2013

Design Principles: our own font

We reviewed the letterforms we had created for the task (above).
Is there a clear difference between regular, bold, light and italic? - I think that the bold isn't bold enough, and the italic needs to be more italicized.

General observations/issues/concerns

  • how to bolden without going above x-height or cap-height?
  • how to judge what ange to use for italic and how to angle certain areas of the letterform.
  • accuracy is difficult
  • distinction between types
  • hand rendering
Criteria for success or failure
  • consistency of modification
  • legibility of glyphs
  • distinction of 'character'
  • accuracy of construction
  • work across all glyphs
  • do the fonts work as a recognisable family?
  • how big the angle needs to be is based on legibility of the letter
  • the angle can't be any higher than 12 degrees, which is seen as the maximum in type.
The letterforms A, b, x and y are ideal for testing because of the range of characteristics they hold.
Things to bear in mind when experimenting:
  • how bold can bold be? and the same for light and italic?
  • what will you take off what will you add?
  • how am I going to modify it?
  • how sheer can an italic be?

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