Friday 8 November 2013

Studio Brief 5: developing the type poster

Above is a brief idea I came up with, but I don't think I'm going to use it for my final poster. It is a different spin I've taken on the statistic, which if I had more time for this brief I may have worked with a little more. I was pushed for time so I stuck with my original sentence which is below.

 I have used helvetica for my posters, because it is simple and straightforward and described as an 'invisible typeface'. It does it's job and doesn't distract: I am trying to put across a bold and blunt message.
Here I have played around with different layouts of colour. I know that I can only have 2 colours and stock but I wanted to play around with red and blue first. If I could use another colour I would use blue, red and a dark colour similar to black, because blue and red have deep political connotations and I really want that to be conveyed with my posters. However, I don't want to use JUST blue and red for my two colours, as I think it would make my posters too colourful and too busy, I feel that a dark neutral colour is needed somewhere.
I also realised after these experimentations that the boxes around the words may be seen as image, so I have had to discontinue that part of my designs. I would use them if it was allowed.

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