Thursday 6 March 2014

Studio Brief 2: Final Posters

These are our three designed posters for our viral project, Selftea. We decided to incorporate health benefits to add another feature; they are facts that will encourage people to drink tea for their health. It is another incentive that is part of our project to get people to drink more tea.
Joe designed most of the second and third posters, and me, Alec and Rebecca worked on the first and edited little parts of the second and third.
We then printed them in the digital print room, and stuck them on the doors of the studio. We chose these places because they are always seen when people are entering or leaving the studio, people can't miss them. We are hoping they will remind people of #selftea, or just tea in general.
We wanted to incorporate an informal, youthful feel with the imagery, and also the social side of having cups of tea.

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