Wednesday 26 March 2014

Studio Brief 4: Studio task

On monday we were set the new brief -creating some kind of guide to give to next year's first years in September. We formed small groups to make a start on it.

We brainstormed things that we didn't know at the start of the year, then narrowed it down to two issues in pairs:

  • Studios/blogs/the importance of being aware
  • Time management is key

Me and Elliot had a go at writing them as 'problems' that need to be solved, which would go in a brief:

  • First year students can struggle with managing their time efficiently and effectively.
  • First year students can have a limited scope on professional graphic design practice, such as creative blogs, events, studios and editorial content.

We then joined the whole group together to work on writing the brief further. This is what we came up with:

In the first year, students under-estimate the importance of keeping up-to-date with the creative industry outside of the studio. Being aware of the graphic design world is vital to broadening your creative input which therefore influences your output in a positive way.
How can you communicate the importance of engaging with graphic design outside of the studio?

  • What format would be most suitable?
  • How will the target market of students influence the outcome?
  • What resources would be most suitable to include?
  • Will it be local, national or international?

We got feedback off another group:

  • vague
  • is there a set requirement or is it up to you to produce the entire outcome?
  • nice and open provides a wide amount of potential visuals and outcomes.
Some suggestions:
  • summary publication
  • PDF with links
  • a selection of sources in a zine
  • website that links to design sources

This exercise helped me understand briefs a little better and how to tackle them when writing one from scratch. The next step is coming up with my own individual idea so I can make a proper start on this brief.

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