Tuesday 11 March 2014

Studio Brief 2: Selftea - Did it go viral?

Overall we accumulated over 164 followers by using Instagram and Twitter. A whopping 100 #Selfteas have been taken (and counting), and the total reach is 20k, which was calculated by adding the amount of followers up of people who took selfteas etc.

These figures are still going up but will definitely decrease in how fast this happens, as we have ended the project now.

Did it go viral?
I'd say so yes, over 100 Selfteas within 5 days is impressive, as well as our other figures. Tea is definitely in people's minds a lot more now than it was before, and hopefully they are drinking more tea.
If we could do the project again, I would have made sure we started working on everything earlier, especially the posters which only went up on the thursday of our final week. However, this project is something that can be extended so it isn't too bad. I would also have maybe created some sort of competition, or try even harder to get in touch with celebrities or companies that could have helped us gain exposure.

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