Tuesday 18 March 2014

Studio Brief 3: Stage 1 Mock ups

These are the mock ups I created in preparation for the first crit. They are very early stages.

Briefcase design - I found a photograph of an open briefcase and I traced over it in Illustrator to make a very simplified silhouette. I hand rendered the type which I'm quite happy with, as it didn't take long to get right and it had the right style for an action movie. I like this mock up because it has a sense of retro design, much like the work of Saul Bass and designers alike. I like this contrast with the strong modern feel of the film; I don't think it needs to match. It is supposed to be an alternative movie poster after all.

Light beams - I'm not sure what direction I will take with this prototype, But I like the shapes of the light beams. It has a connection to the film title but also the beams resemble the lights from police helicopters which I think is quite fitting and dramatic.

These are my variations of using the corruption cracked idea. I think using such a dramatic crack through half of the poster is very bold and intense, but there is definitely something missing at this point.

Again this poster has a very 50s/60s retro style about it, because of the font used. The drawing is of a briefcase. I don't think I'm going to use this in the interim crit because I don't think it is very successful, even at mock up stage. I think I can do a lot better if I chose one of the others I have mocked up.

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