Sunday 3 May 2015

Women in Film // Strong female characters: GIRLS

Girls is an American tv show set in New York City, focusing on four young women. The show is far from perfect, but depicts quite solidly how female characters should be improved in the film and tv industry.

First off, all main cast members are white (Brooklyn is only a third white) and come from a privileged background... typical. But apart from these factors, there is some interesting details to explore.

Points I have come across that represent women well:

  • they all have individual struggles and stories, and can hold their own story - something I learnt to focus on from the female character flowchart I came across in research.
  • no male gaze in the audience is confronted - no character is sexualised, even though some of the characters are very conventionally attractive. Close-up shots are uncommon with the characters, which often exist to focus on the appearance of female characters.
  • there is a lot of casual nudity, which is not sexualised or focused on. It seems it is simply making the statement of women having bodies just like men which shouldn't be censored. They aren't sexual, and they aren't perfect, and they aren't for the viewer to enjoy.
  • Hannah, the main character, is not skinny, toned or perfectly proportioned - she has curves and it is refreshing.
  • whilst there is a lot of sex in the programme, none of the characters are caricatured into 'sluts' or all about sex. It is depicted as normal and no one feels guilty for it.
  • there are no shopping scenes or stereotypically female scenes, unlike shows like Sex and the City. They talk about men a lot, but they do things that make them well rounded characters.
  • they are all imperfect and make bad decisions, get jealous, and get into unhealthy relationships - however, most of the time it is confronted and both sides of an argument are portrayed. 
I watched an episode and jotted down things I noticed about the characters.

  • very stubborn, and finds it difficult to admit when she is wrong
  • has an uncertain career and struggles with holding jobs or finding what she really wants to do.
  • makes rash decisions that haven't been thought through
  • has the confidence to stand up for herself against people
  • very outward about her emotions
  • free-spirited and unpredictable
  • outgoing and confident in herself
  • blunt and truthful with people, which can be quite hurtful and insensitive
  • on and off drug addict
  • has issues with her parents, who have been neglectful
  • hides her emotions to put on a strong front
  • honest and forward
  • insecure in herself, and with her career
  • innocent and childish
  • ambitious and focused
  • finds herself in toxic relationships a lot where her feelings aren't reciprocated
  • uptight and insecure, and a perfectionist
  • caring
  • lonely at times, feeling her friends slip away
These are imperfect characters that don't need to be good at everything to be strong characters, as they accurately represent women. 

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