Saturday 2 May 2015

Covered // Book cover research: library

After choosing my book, I went to the library to seek out designs of psychology book covers.

Above are cover designs for my chosen book by Jung. They are both clear and very simple in layout, and both feature a photograph of the author himself. This is probably due to it being a semi-autobiographical, however I think its a very obvious and easy route to take. Both designs are very outdated with bleak colour schemes.
I do have to say that I like the typography on the first cover, it looks very similar to Futura bold. It is bold and timeless, although without concept. No concept at all has gone into these designs which makes them disappointing and vapid.

These are some other Jung books I came across, with more interesting designs. 

The concept of this design seems to be the unlocking of dreams; ie how to understand and analyse them. This idea is quite effective and simple however the text over the image is poorly executed... they clash. I also think that the type hierarchy is all wrong: the book title should be larger than the author's name, surely? Jung is a well known psychologist but it seems a cop out.

The concept of this idea isn't clear to me, but it certainly draws you in, as its quite dark and mythical looking. It's still pretty outdated.

I found some psychology books that are from similar authors to Jung.

This book cover holds no real design, but I'm very fond of the typography and the traditional style of it.

Conceptual, but quite ambiguous and messy.

I like the design on the left, as the concept is clear straightaway and very straightforward. The colour scheme is seducing.

The use of literally one line here is effective and ambiguous, and comes clear once the title is read.

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