Friday 15 May 2015

Women in Film // Research: Creative publications/zines

As I am making a publication/zine, I have found some inspiring editorial work out there that is very creative and eye catching. 


Dystopia is an screen printed concertina which illustrates deforestation, melting of the ice caps and dumping in the ocean. The idea for this project based on current environmental issues the planet faces, most of which are manmade.
I really like the colour scheme of this, as it is very defined and matching.

There is a Line

The minimalist style of this book cover is unique and visually pleasing.

Wet Thugs Fiction

This has a very exciting and authentic zine feel to it, judging by the one colour printing. The coloured paper has been added to add colour at a low cost, which definitely makes the illustrations pop.
I had already thought of using multi coloured stock for my final work, and this has made me think that it could definitely be successful.


This book also uses coloured stock, but in large amounts - it certainly is a great way to make information more vivid.


I like the layers of this portfolio, making it a lot more interesting by sectioning parts off. Again, one colour printing is used on coloured paper, which stops the overload of colour. The use of hand rendered type adds character.

First Things First Manifesto

Each page of this zine is unique, with creative uses of different stocks. The use of patterns and overlays make the subject of a 'manifesto and ethics' a little more fun to explore.

Rainy Days Zine

This illustrative zine is fun and the colours are extremely effective - at the end of the day, I want to creative something that people pick up and that entices them with illustration. The content is obviously important, but the aesthetic is a really good starting point for getting people's attention.

I'm fascinated by the colours used in this series of booklets. The colour scheme is so pure and minimal that it's like eye candy.

Museum: A House for Learning

The folded out page is a really nice idea, which enables the publication to include a larger image. It's also hands on for the consumer. The minimised colour scheme keeps things simple and focused, and the neon book edges really set it alight.

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