Friday 15 May 2015

Women in Film // Research: illustrations

These are pieces of illustrative work that are either relatable to feminism, or I just generally like the style of, which I'd like to take inspiration from for my publication.

I want to use colourful or expressive illustration which makes the booklet entertaining aswell as informative.

Hangover Chic

These illustrations create images of girls that are not typically 'feminine', by clothing them in tracksuits and loose fitting clothes. The message here is clear: women are not here to be attractive for others, they are human and are more than their appearance.

Push the Grid

I don't see this print as feminist particularly, it is just illustrations of female bodies. However it is useful research because it is of a feminine nature, and raises questions. I think the contrast between the red silhouettes and the blue sketches is effective imagery,  as it seems to symbolise anonymity or emotion.

Women's Wear Body Hair

These illustrations depict body hair in a lighthearted manner, yet effectively communicate the message. The way in which the hair is drawn seems innocent and natural, removing the stigma attached to women's body hair. I like it because normally 'cutesy' and feminine illustrations like this would not include any form of body hair, and make women seem smooth and porcelain looking.


These simplistic posters hit home because of the personal feel of the type - it seems more individual, like someone's emotion has gone into it, rather than if a font like Helvetica was used. It reminds you that there is a human being behind the design, that obviously feels strongly about the subject matter.

Real Women

The colours are the first things that draw you in to these illustrations - and the clever concepts are what keep your attention. Obviously, body image is the subject matter - the women are distraught and insecure about not being skinny like the media tells them to be. Their emotions are clear and communicated.

The Problem with Quirky

These illustrations tell the tale of how society paints unique women as 'quirky', and how it creates a stereotype that affects how seriously women are taken. The imagery has a lighthearted manner about it, but its immediately clear what is going on. The contrasting colours create a dramatic colour scheme.

Healer Huntress

Flower Girls

Acid Project

Long Muzzle

99 Baci

All the illustrations above are very visually pleasing and entertaining to look at - something that I want to include in my work to draw in a young audience to a serious subject. At the end of the day, someone isn't going to buy a zine that isn't aesthetically pleasing to them.

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