Thursday 21 May 2015

OUGD505 // Evaluation

This module has taught me so much about research, and I have learnt how to effectively explore a subject in order to create fully informed graphic design to make a change. My time management was note quite as organised as my previous modules, as it was the last one of the year, meaning that I left a lot of the practical side until it was very late.

Studio Brief 01

By exploring films and theories about female characters, I realised that it is a much more complicated subject than I thought. I also realised more than I ever have previously how much pop culture can affect young generations. It made me feel more passionate about the change that is needed. I think this definitely affected my motivation and made me more enthusiastic about my outcome... I really enjoyed every part of this brief.

However I definitely feel like I rushed the zine, which I felt super disappointed about as this subject was really interesting to me. I wasn't organised with my time and let my essay and the COP module get in the way a little bit. This was unfortunate but I have definitely learnt from this for third year. Saying that, I am happy with most of the zine, especially the stock and the simple, easy layout. I feel that the target audience was a well thought through process and the outcome is suiting to a young audience. A few people saw it before it was handed in and enjoyed flicking through it and looking at the pictures: success!

The illustrations came out mostly good, but I'm a perfectionist with any imagery I create and I definitely want to develop this work further over summer for my own benefit and portfolio, as I think it has more potential. For example, I would like to print off a high quality version that can be binded with coloured thread, and using more coloured inks in the prints. This would be a hypothetical 'publication' rather than just a low cost 'zine'.

Studio Brief 02

This brief was enjoyable as it was small, and I could attend to it with more of a laidback approach. Also, the exhibition element drove me to work harder on it than I may have.

I didn't spend that long on it compared to past projects so I felt uneasy putting it out there - but this taught me to get to the point with my designs and not think about decision making for too long... I can be indecisive about certain features.

As the other brief was much larger, I found that I focused less on this one, which is something that is natural. Some projects will be more important than others and balancing them in an appropriate manner is needed.

I think I could have done a little more research into the book contents than I have, as I took on the book name more than the content - however, I believe that successful design can work this way well too.

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