Wednesday 11 March 2015

Responsive // Oranges are Not the Only Fruit book cover design

This is my final design for the Penguin book cover competition.

The path illustrates the adventure and journey Jeanette takes into adulthood, and the eyes are opened and closed to signify deep emotion. The reasons behind the eyes closing is for the viewer to interpret; I want it to come across as shutting out the abuse and judgement Jeanette had to go through as a girl, and moving on from it. The open eyes reflect sadness and distress, but subtly.

The hand written type is gritty and imperfect; this is to reflect the troubles and darkness of the storyline. Its uneven and scattered to signify this also... this is not a novel that is lighthearted and fluffy.

I chose Avenir for the body font, as it is simple and doesn't distract from the illustrations.

If I had more time then I would have liked to experiment with a coloured background; I did quickly try this but with the illustrations being painted on white paper they didn't look right on any other colour. Also maybe more detail on the path would have been more interesting.

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