Wednesday 25 March 2015

Responsive // Filmdoo: final Her movie poster

I am really happy with the final outcome for this film poster, as I was able to create what I set out to do - a very simple, subtle portrayal of the film's concept without giving too much away. I think this can be a hard thing to accomplish, but my design is quite effective.

I used minimal details about the film ie I only included the two main actors, as a way of linking in with the imagery quite intimately. I used Helvetica Medium because it is simple and doesn't distract from any other part of the poster, or more importantly 'her'. Although I wanted the names to blend in to the poster I also wanted them to be clear and readable, because they are very popular actors... something you can't really ignore when advertising a Hollywood film.

I would say that if this were a professional poster then it would need a couple more of the big actors' names and the director (Spike Jonze), but I have the chance to create something thats a breath of fresh air compared to what is already out there.

In terms of meeting Filmdoo competition brief, it wasn't really a brief. It was very open and the only deliverables were the precise measurements. It was also accepting of posters that have already been designed, and aren't exclusive to the contest. I just hope that my poster is considered as its minimalism is quite captivating and mysterious.

I printed this poster using the college's digital print facilities - I chose around 200gsm matte paper, but the outcome was a big letdown. The detail has been comprised by the printer and the colours and grainy, while digitally it looks really crystal clear and effective. I printed it again on the highest gsm of matte, hoping it would improve, but the outcome was the same. (The print room was so busy that I had to accept it and move on).

This was hugely disappointing as it affected my confidence in my work, and I thought I could trust the resources. This has taught me a lesson: leave a little more time before a deadline to test things out, and to also make sure to not put up with a poor quality of printing...

For this reason I have mocked up the poster to make up for the poor quality.

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